Get To Know Us

My name is Brittany, and I'm the founder of Sweet Girls. I've lived in Eastern Kentucky my entire life, it is the most beautiful place. After graduating college, I entered the workforce, but longed to be home with my son. I'm now blessed with two beautiful children. Caiden is 14 and he is the definition of a "first born." He's smart, and witty, he loves video games and really enjoys school. Makenzie, is six and she is 100% girl. If you're a member of our Facebook Group, you'll know she's quite the firecracker. She loves bows, dresses, lace, and pink!

Sweet Girls formed while I was carrying Makenzie. I was obsessed with dressing her the second I found out she was a girl. I quickly learned how expensive girls can be. So one night, laying in bed, I had a thought. "How can I dress her, and help others dress their Sweet Girls, for less?" And from that, in July 2015, Sweet Girls was formed. We have been very successful selling exclusively on Facebook, and decided that this is a much needed step that we needed to take.
In January a partnership was formed. I now work alongside my Aunt and Uncle. Together we are a pretty dynamic trio. They're encouraging, and bring AWESOME ideas to the table. I'm so grateful they decided to join me.

We want to welcome you, to our website hope to keep your Sweet Girl dressed adorable for a fraction of the cost from other sites.
Never hesitate to contact us with questions or concerns, you can reach us a